Jql Cheat Sheet

Show tickets created by a user

This will also show them in descending order, which will give you the most recently created issues first.

Query by project


Find issues belonging to an inactive user

JQL cheat sheet by Atlassian; Overview of JQL; Functions, history, and sorting (advanced) Post navigation. Initial setup and Integration. Search Jira from Slack using JQL. A blog on creating assisted tech teams from the crew behind stratejos stratejos - the smart assistant for. In the above tree, we will get the results as TST-234, TST-345, TST-567, TST-678, TST-789, TST-890. Issue in linkedIssues(' TST-123 ',2, 'duplicated by') - Returns all the issues directly and indirectly duplicated by ' TST-123 ' up to the 2nd level in the tree In the above example, we will get the same result.


Search via text

Searching for multiple criteria


Jira Cheat Sheet

Get all bugs linked with a task (PROJECT-1234)

For example, if you create a bug that should be a task, you can do the following:

  1. Open the issue you want to change
  2. Click More
  3. Click Move
  4. Specify the New Issue Type
  5. Click Next >>
  6. Click Next >>
  7. Click Move

Jira Jql Cheat Sheet


Jira Jql Syntax

If your description keeps getting screwed up after you save something you've change in the description, be sure to click the Edit button instead of editing it inline.